Sunday, April 27, 2008


Cloning is the process of making a genetic duplicate of something that already exists. Cloning is very useful in our society today because it provides valuable information to cure diseases, it allows doctors to perform miraculous procedures on patients, and it allows us to clone endangered species.

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Cloning originated in the early centuries as a way to better mankind. Cloning is a remarkable process. Scientists can take any cell from a human body, extract the DNA, and insert it into any fertilized egg and possibly have it develop into human beings (Williams). When I first thought about cloning I thought of myself being cloned; at the time I couldn’t really tell you why I just thought it was cool. I did not know that it was such a big controversy in congress. Scientists can take a strand of animal fur because it has the animals DNA in it, then they can make an exact copy of a specific animal the scientists are trying to duplicate. Reproductive cloning has been used for research purposes only, however in due time I think cloning could be used, and maybe work very effectively for repopulating endangered species or to make breeding of specific species easier.
It is important that cloning not slip into the hands of those that would take advantage of it; cloning should not be used for reproducing animal pets. Cloning must be reserved for research and reproduction only in extreme cases. Should cloning be used? “In some cases maybe, and that’s a strong maybe. If an animal is on the verge of becoming extinct then possibly, but to clone family pets absolutely not” (Williams).
There has been successful cloning throughout the years and a lot of non successful clones. Dolly the first mammal cloned from an adult animal in July of 1997 in Scotland is now dead (Bridget Kuehn); no one thought that Dolly would die that day, she ran about playing, very energetic then suddenly she died, no one knows the cause of death. Dolly was one of the first successful attempts at cloning. Since then goats, pigs, mice, cats, rabbits, etc… have all been cloned successfully, however chickens, monkeys, and horses are the most difficult to clone most attempts were pronounced a failure.
Cloning is an exact genetic copy of an organism. Reproductive cloning is performed today only for scientific research and with the intent of creating an organism. In reproductive cloning there is a process called Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer “SCNT”, where the nucleus contains an organism DNA of a cell. Somatic cell nuclear transfer is not a dangerous process. The scientists remove a body cell rather than a sperm or egg cell from an organism and the rest of the cell is discarded.
If humans could be cloned, what would be the reason for humans to be cloned? A reason a person might want to be cloned is so that people will remember how the actual person looks in person rather than in a photograph. “We already live in an overpopulated world. It would be the line between family members. If clones are no longer a blending of a set of parents but just a copy of one individual’s DNA, then would it be legal for a brother and sister to marry? How would we define a species if we were able to clone ourselves”? (Williams). Humans are impossible to clone right now using the current techniques that the scientists use. Monkeys have been cloned, but the process is very difficult. Somatic cell nuclear transfer also is used in therapeutic cloning. Therapeutic cloning process is used for reproductive cloning as well. There has been a cloned embryo a couple years ago.
In the picture above it shows the process that is done in therapeutic cloning. Stem cells are important to biomedical researchers because they can be used to make a specialized cell in the human body for use. Therapeutic cloning aka “embryo cloning” is the production of human embryos for use in research. What ability does therapeutic cloning have? “it has the ability to build certain parts that are needed by an individual” (Williams). Therapeutic cloning is used to harvest an embryonic stem cell in medical treatments. The embryonic cell that is produced can be used to create skin for a burn victim or cells for those with spinal cord injuries. Stem cells are extracted from the egg after it has divided for five days. The egg at this stage of development is called a blastocyst which is a mammal embryo consisting of an inner cell mass, a cavity, and an outer layer (adobe acrobat). Many researchers hope that one day stem cells can be used to serve as replacement cells to treat heart disease, Alzheimer’s, cancer, stroke, and other diseases that are life threatening. I believe that one day researchers will find a way to cure uncureable diseases through stem cell research. Therapeutic cloning can work wonders on an individual. Therapeutic cloning can be used to generate tissues and organs for transplant (Woods). Therapeutic cloning has its limitations. The stress placed on both the egg cell and the introduced nucleus is enormous, leading to a high loss in resulting cells. There is a program named the Wellcome Trust which considers stem cell research and the development of new treatments for a wide range of life threatening diseases and conditions. Therapeutic cloning has a handful of steps to creating an organism. The first step is to place the eggs in a culture dish to mature; 2nd each of the eggs has a remnant cell called the polar body and cumulus cells from the ovary clinging to it. 3rd a selected egg is held still by a pipette which is a tube used in laboratories for measuring small amounts of liquids or transferring small objects. 4th A needle is then used to remove this small portion called the zona plug, 5th the needle then is used to go in side the hole that is created from the zona plug and take away the polar bodies and the eggs genetic material. 6th a fibroblast cell is taken up into this other needle from another egg. 7th the fibroblast is placed into the egg that had its genetic material removed. 8th the egg is injected it is exposed to chemicals and a number of growth factors so that it activates to divide. After 24 hours the activated egg begins to divide, the cells in the egg now contain genetic material. 4 or 5 days pass and a hallow ball of about one hundred cells has formed; it holds a clump of cells called the inner cell mass that contains stem cells. The Blastocyst is then broken open and the inner cell mass are grown in a culture dish to yield stem cells. The stem cells one day could grow into a variety of cells used to inject into a human. The picture above shows the process of therapeutic cloning of adult stem cells. Adult Stem cells are apart of therapeutic cloning they self replicate and give rise to more differentiated cells. Adult stem cells give the rise to limited types of cells. The number one goal for the adult stem cell is to maintain and repair the tissue in a living organism. The term adult stem cells refers to any cell that is found in a developed organism that has the ability to divide and create another cell like it self also divide to create a cell other than itself.

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Human embryonic stem cells are pluripotent stem cells. They can give rise to all the cell types in the human body, but because they do not give rise to the amnion and chorion they do not have the potential to develop into an organism.
Embryonic stem cells are a primitive type of cell that fixed into developing into most or all 220 types of cells found in the body. Research on stem cells is advancing on how an organism develops from a single cell and how healthy cells replace damaged ones in adult organisms. Stem cells have two important characteristics that distinguish them from other types of cells. They are unspecialized cells that renew themselves for a long period of time through cell division. They can be induced to become cells with special functions such as the beating cells of the heart muscle or the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas (Brennings). Embryonic stem cells are taken from embryos that develop from egg that have been fertilized in a clinic and then donated for research purposes with the consent of the donor. Human embryonic and adult stem cells are not alike in many ways. Human embryonic cells can become every type of cell of the body because they are pluripotent capable of infecting more than one organ or tissue, and adult stem cells are limited to different types of. Embryonic cells can be grown relatively easily in quantity, and adult stem cells are rare in mature tissues and methods have not yet been worked out. There are two problems with embryonic stem cells in tissue replacement therapy, if you’re trying to obtain new tissue. Another potential obstacle encountered by researchers engaging in embryonic stem cell research is the possibility that embryonic stem cells would not be compatible with patients and would therefore be rejected. When implanted into a tissue, embryonic stem cells tend to form tumors. In 1997 scientist reported that they had successfully isolated and cultured human embryonic stem cells a feature which had by passed researchers for almost twenty years. That announcement launched an intense and unrelenting debate between people who approve “ESCR” and the people who were against it.

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Adult stem cells not only are present in adults as well as children, infants, placentas, umbilical cords, and cadavers. Getting stem cells from people does not do any harm to another human being.
Money is a very big factor if you would like to have an animal cloned in the future, and it is highly inefficient. Not every clone stays alive very long. If I could afford to have my dog or some other animal cloned I would allow for my animals to be cloned because they are apart of family. According to the organization for economic cooperation development’s latest data, America Japan European union spent over 20 billion dollars in 1997 on clone funding alone. More than ninety percent of attempts to clone an organism fail to produce a viable offspring. More than one hundred nuclear transfer procedures could probably be required to produce one viable clone. Cloned animals tend to be more immune and have higher rates of infections, tumor growth, and other disorders (Cloning Fact Sheet). There are many clones that do not live long enough to produce good data about how clones age. In humans the host just fails to get pregnant when she is introduced to the SCNT process.
There are many people who are against therapeutic cloning and reproductive cloning. Some say it goes against what they believe. My mother says that if humans could be cloned she wouldn’t like that because you’ll probably never now who a person is if he or she has more than one of you walking around. Cloning is a good process, no one is being harmed, and we can learn more about life from science. “I think these questions are questions that society on the whole will have to address within our lifetime. This subject could be a great divider for a nation or world. It needs to be approached carefully and not quickly because it’s the latest fad in science (Williams). That is what was said in the interview between me and the person I interviewed. It would be a very big mistake to outlaw cloning whether it is therapeutic or reproductive cloning because Reproductive Cloning can create another organism whether it’s for study or simply just for that organism to live. Therapeutic Cloning creates new tissue or something that is very useful in any organism whether it be humans or animal. Cloning should not be disliked so much by religious people; if organisms die out we could have the ability to create another one. These wonders are in place to help mankind, not to destroy it.


In the near future the technology for producing a human clone will be here, but I believe that human cloning would only be used if humans were not able to reproduce. If the science industry was to perfect cloning so that everything could be cloned for medical or research purposes then we as individual people could understand more than what we know about other organisms from the past history like dinosaurs and cave men. In studies, about 30 percent of clones are born with “large offspring syndrome” and many more conditions. When a clone has large offspring syndrome the clone has abnormally large organs that can lead to breathing, blood flow and other problems (Human Cloning and Genetic Modifications). The cloning of humans is just a genetically identical everything copy of an existing organism, which means an artificial human clone; human clones in the form of identical twins.

Works Cited

"Therapeutic Cloning Versus Reproductive Cloning." 02 FEB 2008 .

"Therapeutic vs. reproductive cloning; scientific reality, public controversy." 08 APR 2008 .

"Human Cloning and Genetic Modifications the Basic Science You Need to Know." Associations of Reproductive Health Professionals 30 SEP 2003 02 FEB 2008 .

Wilmut, N. "Somatic cell Nuclear Transfer." Nature 41911 OCT 2002 583-587. 11 FEB 2008 .

"Cloning Fact Sheet." Human Genome Project Information 01 JAN 1998 1-2. 02 FEB 2008 .

"Human Therapeutic Cloning Moves Closer to Reality." NewScientist 14 NOV 2007 02 FEB 2008 .

Brenning, Jana. "Therapeutic Cloning how is it done." Scientific American 24 NOV 2001 02 FEB 2008 .

"Therapeutic cloning: how is it done?" American 24 NOV 2001 05 MAR 2008 .

Kuehn, Bridget. "Javma News." Goodbye, dolly; first cloned sheep dies at six years old 15 APR 2003 31 MAR 2008 .

Therapeutic use of cell nuclear replacement therapeutic cloning." therapeutic cloning Sep 2002 07 APR 2008 < [PDF] THERAPEUTIC CLONING File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML>.

"Therapeutic Cloning." Religious Tolerance 17 AUG 2000 11 FEB 2008 .