Sunday, April 27, 2008

Body III

Adult stem cells not only are present in adults as well as children, infants, placentas, umbilical cords, and cadavers. Getting stem cells from people does not do any harm to another human being.
Money is a very big factor if you would like to have an animal cloned in the future, and it is highly inefficient. Not every clone stays alive very long. If I could afford to have my dog or some other animal cloned I would allow for my animals to be cloned because they are apart of family. According to the organization for economic cooperation development’s latest data, America Japan European union spent over 20 billion dollars in 1997 on clone funding alone. More than ninety percent of attempts to clone an organism fail to produce a viable offspring. More than one hundred nuclear transfer procedures could probably be required to produce one viable clone. Cloned animals tend to be more immune and have higher rates of infections, tumor growth, and other disorders (Cloning Fact Sheet). There are many clones that do not live long enough to produce good data about how clones age. In humans the host just fails to get pregnant when she is introduced to the SCNT process.
There are many people who are against therapeutic cloning and reproductive cloning. Some say it goes against what they believe. My mother says that if humans could be cloned she wouldn’t like that because you’ll probably never now who a person is if he or she has more than one of you walking around. Cloning is a good process, no one is being harmed, and we can learn more about life from science. “I think these questions are questions that society on the whole will have to address within our lifetime. This subject could be a great divider for a nation or world. It needs to be approached carefully and not quickly because it’s the latest fad in science (Williams). That is what was said in the interview between me and the person I interviewed. It would be a very big mistake to outlaw cloning whether it is therapeutic or reproductive cloning because Reproductive Cloning can create another organism whether it’s for study or simply just for that organism to live. Therapeutic Cloning creates new tissue or something that is very useful in any organism whether it be humans or animal. Cloning should not be disliked so much by religious people; if organisms die out we could have the ability to create another one. These wonders are in place to help mankind, not to destroy it.

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