Sunday, April 27, 2008

Works Cited

"Therapeutic Cloning Versus Reproductive Cloning." 02 FEB 2008 .

"Therapeutic vs. reproductive cloning; scientific reality, public controversy." 08 APR 2008 .

"Human Cloning and Genetic Modifications the Basic Science You Need to Know." Associations of Reproductive Health Professionals 30 SEP 2003 02 FEB 2008 .

Wilmut, N. "Somatic cell Nuclear Transfer." Nature 41911 OCT 2002 583-587. 11 FEB 2008 .

"Cloning Fact Sheet." Human Genome Project Information 01 JAN 1998 1-2. 02 FEB 2008 .

"Human Therapeutic Cloning Moves Closer to Reality." NewScientist 14 NOV 2007 02 FEB 2008 .

Brenning, Jana. "Therapeutic Cloning how is it done." Scientific American 24 NOV 2001 02 FEB 2008 .

"Therapeutic cloning: how is it done?" American 24 NOV 2001 05 MAR 2008 .

Kuehn, Bridget. "Javma News." Goodbye, dolly; first cloned sheep dies at six years old 15 APR 2003 31 MAR 2008 .

Therapeutic use of cell nuclear replacement therapeutic cloning." therapeutic cloning Sep 2002 07 APR 2008 < [PDF] THERAPEUTIC CLONING File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML>.

"Therapeutic Cloning." Religious Tolerance 17 AUG 2000 11 FEB 2008 .

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